davis performance and nutrition

"Unlock Your Full Potential: Ignite Performance, Fuel Success!"

Welcome to Davis Performance and Nutrition!

Hey there, welcome to my virtual hub! I'm super excited to have you here. This place is all about helping you unleash your full potential through performance and nutrition. Whether you're a busy executive, CEO, a business owner or just someone wanting to feel your best, you're in the right spot.

Here at Davis Performance and Nutrition, I totally get that reaching your goals means taking a 360-degree approach. That means combining kickass physical performance with top-notch nutrition. And guess what? I'm totally committed to hooking you up with everything you need to rock it.

Take a look around the site - there's a ton of cool stuff waiting for you. We're talking customized training plans, nutrition guides, expert tips, and loads of blog posts packed with helpful info. I'm all about sharing knowledge, so you'll leave here armed with everything you need to make smart choices on your health and fitness journey.

Whether you're all about building muscle, boosting endurance, getting bendy, managing your weight, or just feeling awesome overall, my plans are tailor-made just for you. I believe in a one-on-one approach because let's face it, everyone's different and deserves a plan that fits them perfectly.

Got questions? No worries! Shoot them my way anytime. I'm here to support you every step of the way and make sure your journey with Davis Performance and Nutrition is as awesome as can be.

Thanks a bunch for choosing me as your go-to spot for smashing your performance and nutrition goals. I can't wait to dive into this journey with you!

Here's to your health and success

Coach Ty Davis

Coach Ty Davis

Founder and Coach

As a professional Strength and Conditioning Coach, and Nutrition Coach I have extensive experience in strength and conditioning, bolstered by a Master's degree in Exercise Science: Human Performance from Liberty University.

Throughout my 30-year career in the United States Marine Corps, I served in various roles within the infantry, where physical fitness and nutrition were crucial to our effectiveness. This journey taught me invaluable lessons about discipline, determination, and the vital link between physical performance and proper nutrition.

My passion for fitness and nutrition has extended beyond my military career, as I transitioned into civilian life. I have dedicated myself to helping others unlock their potential, guiding them towards achieving their fitness goals, and empowering them with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Drawing upon my extensive experience in the Marine Corps, I have developed personalized training programs that integrate exercise and nutrition strategies, tailored to the unique needs and goals of each individual.


  • Master's In Strength Training and Conditioning: Human Performance

  • Master's In Nutrition and Wellness

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

  • Certified Nutrition Coach: Precision Nutrition

Train With Me

Why Davis Performance and Nutrition Will Work for You!

What makes me different than the hundreds of other coaching programs out there is why you'll see results!!

Daily Accountability

Starting a diet is easy in the beginning, the ability to stay consistent all the way through---that is the hard part. When you are on a diet, it is easy to lose motivation and stop halfway through and lose commitment. And now you are back to square one!!

That is why I am not a fan of diets. I believe that you should be able to eat what you want and still see the results that you are after. With a coach (me) by your side, every day, you will feel more committed and motivated to keep pushing to reach your goals! You are not alone!!

With daily accountability, you are capable of achieving a lot more than you thought possible.

Personal Coaching

No two bodies are alike, and neither are their fitness needs. I will design a customized fitness plan tailored to your unique goals, preferences, and lifestyle.

Whether you're aiming to shed pounds, build muscle, increase flexibility, or enhance overall wellness, my programs will be designed just for you.

As your dedicated coach, I bring expertise, passion, and a wealth of experience to every session. With a deep understanding of anatomy, nutrition, and exercise science, I'll educate, motivate, and inspire you to push past your limits and achieve results you never thought possible.

Consistency is key to success, and I am here to keep you accountable every step of the way.

Meal Plans Unique to You

I recognize that each individual has unique nutritional needs and preferences. My meal plans are carefully crafted to accommodate your specific goals, whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or improve overall health.

My meal plans prioritize balanced nutrition, providing the right balance of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to support your body's needs. You'll enjoy delicious, satisfying meals that keep you energized and satisfied throughout the day.

I understand that life can be busy, and dietary preferences vary. My meal plans are flexible and adaptable, allowing for substitutions and adjustments to accommodate dietary restrictions, food allergies, or personal preferences.

Focus: Mindset, Psychology and Habits

By mastering your mindset, you'll gain a sense of empowerment and self-confidence that extends beyond fitness into all areas of your life.

Understanding the psychology of behavior change allows you to make sustainable shifts in your habits and lifestyle, leading to long-term health and well-being.

A positive mindset and healthy habits can help reduce stress levels, improve resilience, and enhance overall mental well-being.

By integrating mindset, psychology, and habits into your approach to health and fitness, you'll lay the foundation for lifelong transformation and well-being.

Training Sessions That You Want To Do!

I believe that one size does not fit all when it comes to fitness. My exercise programs are tailored to your individual goals, whether you're looking to lose weight, build strength, improve flexibility, or enhance athletic performance.

I will take into account your fitness level, exercise preferences, and any existing health concerns to create a program that works for you.

Say goodbye to wasted time and effort on ineffective workouts. My programs can be designed to optimize your time and energy for maximum results, helping you achieve more in less time.

Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also enhances mental well-being and self-confidence. My programs empower you to look and feel your best, inside and out.

Guaranteed Results

I am confident in what I do and I can guarantee that you will get results. Here is the caveat, you have to show up, do the work, provide feedback and put in 100% effort. Nothing that is never done is guaranteed.

But I can promise you that if you dig deep and push your mind and body, you will be amazed and what you see in the mirror!

Client Testimonials

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